If you want to follow a full-body exercise program, you don't want to sacrifice an area of muscle just because you have knee problems. Knee pain can be frustrating. But that doesn't mean you can't focus on specific areas, like your butt. There are several glute exercises that work your glutes without putting pressure on your knees. They just require a little thought beyond typical squats.
Most people think that squats or lunges are the only exercises for training your glutes. While both are great exercises, they can also put stress on the knee joints, says Kenta Seki, trainer at Aaptiv. If you have a knee injury or simply have sensitive knees, it's important to avoid excessive exercise, which can put the knees are put to the test.

The knee is the largest joint in the body and one of the most susceptible to injuries. Therefore, maintaining correct form and technique during any exercise is essential for knee health. For knee function to remain excellent, optimal organization of the entire body is necessary, explains personal trainer Becky Behling.
It is important to pay attention to knee health and avoid any butt exercises that could cause damage. But there are other ways to do it. Here are six of the best glute exercises for people with knee problems.
Chair Squats
Rather than standard squats, attempt them with the help of a seat. "I suggest beginning with a sit/stand from a steady, level situated seat without arms," Behling says. Hurry forward to the front edge of the seat, put your feet on the ground, pivot at the hips, and float up. "Get back to sit with a similar hip pivot, remembering the direction of the get up," she proceeds. "Help [yourself up] by putting your palms on your thighs while both rising and sitting." You can build the test by folding your arms over your chest, bringing your arms up before you, or raising your arms above.
One of the better glute practices for terrible knees is a deadlift. Your knees stay in a similar delicately twisted position the whole activity, so they by and large aren't excessively impacted by this activity, regardless of whether you lift truly weighty," Seki says.
Stand upstanding and hold loads draping down before you with your elbows straight. Bow forward and arrive at the loads toward your feet until the loads come just underneath your knees, then stand back up and crush your glutes at the top," he makes sense of. "Keep your back curved and knees delicately bowed the entire time."
Look at Aaptiv for additional exercises with Kenta. Gain admittance to him and other top coaches by downloading the application today.
One-Legged Deadlifts
To take your deadlifts to a higher level, attempt a one-legged variant. "Notwithstanding the advantages you get from normal deadlifts, your gluteus medius is extremely taken part in this exercise since you're adjusting on one leg," Seki says. For this activity, utilize a similar structure as the normal deadlift however perform it on one leg. "Broaden your contrary leg behind you and do whatever it takes not to allow the foot to contact the ground," he adds. "Keep your hips squared forward, and stand up completely at the highest point of the development.
Lying on your back empowers your hips to be the essential mover of this activity. This detaches your glutes without excessively captivating your knees. "Lie on your back and curve your knees, with your feet level on the floor," Seki says. "Crash into the impact points of your feet and lift your hips up as high as could really be expected, holding briefly at the top and crushing your glutes. Lower down without resting and rehash.
Donkey Kicks
With jackass kicks, you're down on the ground looking lower. In this way, your glute is lifting the heaviness of your leg as opposed to pushing all your bodyweight through your knees, similar to you would in a squat. From an each of the fours position, lift one knee off the floor and kick that heel up," Seki says. Then further it down and rehash, without allowing the knee to contact the floor. Keep the knee bowed at a 90-degree point and your foot flexed the entire time, making a point to press your glute and hold the withdrawal at the top for basically a second.
Fire Hydrants
This exercise confines your gluteus medius and doesn't use development of the knee joint. From an each of the fours position, lift one knee off the floor and raise it out toward the side," Seki says. Then, at that point, lower it back down toward the floor without allowing it to contact the ground. Attempt to lift it lined up with the floor while keeping it bowed at a 90-degree point the entire time. Try to press your glute and hold the compression at the top for basically a second.
Awful knees are baffling, however these glute activities ought to take the strain off your body and assist you with creating muscle. With Aaptiv you can accomplish your wellness objectives whether it's to get in shape or run your next long distance race.
Frequently Asked Questions!
Are glute exercises good for knee pain?
Fortifying your glutes standardizes hip and thigh position, diminishes the stacking force on the knee joint and keeps the knees from collapsing on one another while arriving from a leap, hunching down, or running.
Are hip thrusts good for knee pain?
Hip push is an ideal decision! as it fortifies the muscles in the hip, hindquarters, and quadriceps. It settles the pelvis, lower back, and knees, making it ideal for focusing on low bone thickness in the hips and femur bones, adjusting the knee joints, and advancing solid glutes and better equilibrium.
Which exercise should be avoided in knee pain?
High-influence activities can additionally harm agonizing knees. Abstain from bumping activities like running, bouncing, and kickboxing. Likewise try not to do activities like jumps and profound squats that put a ton of weight kneeling down. These can deteriorate torment and, in the event that not done accurately, cause injury.
Are squats OK for knee pain?
A survey of examination on this point found that squats can be gainful for knees and, when endeavored appropriately, can reinforce the knees. The audit likewise recommends that profound squats that go to 90 degrees and past it shouldn't add to any knee agony or harm to the knee joint contrasted and half and quarter squats.